ThreeB 1.1
Storm imagery classes (basic image processing)


vector< Image< float > > load_and_preprocess_images2 (const vector< string > &names)
vector< Image< float > > load_and_preprocess_images (const vector< string > &names)
vector< Image< float > > load_and_normalize_images (const vector< string > &files)

Function Documentation

vector<Image<float> > load_and_preprocess_images2 ( const vector< string > &  names)

Load all images from disk and do the initial preprocessing.

namesList of filenames to load.
preprocessed images.

Definition at line 23 of file

    vector<Image<float> > ims;
    //Load images
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < names.size(); i++)
        Image<float> im = img_load(names[i]);

        if(ims.back().size() != ims[0].size())
            cerr << "Error with image " << names[i] << ":  all images must be the same size!\n";
    double mean, variance;
    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
            transform(ims[i].begin(), ims[i].end(), ims[i].begin(), bind2nd(minus<double>(), mean));
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
            transform(ims[i].begin(), ims[i].end(), ims[i].begin(), bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 1/ sqrt(variance)));
    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    cerr << "Rescaled:\n";
    cerr << "mean = " << mean << endl;
    cerr << "std  = " << sqrt(variance) << endl;


    //Fit the background model
    ImageRef size = ims[0].size();
    Vector<10> p = Zeros;   

    Image<Vector<6> > monomials(size);
    Image<double> polynomial(size);
    for(int yy=0; yy < size.y; yy++)
        for(int xx=0; xx < size.x; xx++)
            double x = xx *2./ size.x -1 ;
            double x2 = x*x;
            double y = yy *2./size.y - 1;
            double y2 = yy;
            monomials[yy][xx] = makeVector(1, x, y, x2, x*y, y2);

    for(int i=0;i < 100;i++)
        for(int yy=0; yy < size.y; yy++)
            for(int xx=0; xx < size.x; xx++)
                polynomial[yy][xx] = monomials[yy][xx] *  p.slice<0,6>();

        WLS<10> wls;    
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
            for(int yy=0; yy < size.y; yy++)
                for(int xx=0; xx < size.x; xx++)
                    double t = i *1. / ims.size();
                    double func = polynomial[yy][xx] * (exp(p[6]*t) + p[8]*exp(p[9]*t)) + p[7];

                    Vector<10> mJ;

                    mJ.slice<0,6>() = exp(p[6]*t)* monomials[yy][xx];
                    //mJ.slice<3,3>() = Zeros;
                    mJ[6] = polynomial[yy][xx] * exp(p[6]*t) * t;
                    //mJ[6] = func  * t;
                    mJ[7] = 1;

                    mJ[8] = polynomial[yy][xx] * exp(p[9]*t);
                    mJ[9] = polynomial[yy][xx] * exp(p[9]*t) * t * p[8];

                    double err = ims[i][yy][xx] - func;

                    double w;

                    if(err > 0)
                        w = .01 / (abs(err) + .01);
                        w = 1;

                    wls.add_mJ(func - ims[i][yy][xx], -mJ, w);

        p += wls.get_mu();

        cout << p << endl << endl;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
        for(int yy=0; yy < size.y; yy++)
            for(int xx=0; xx < size.x; xx++)
                double x = xx *2./ size.x -1 ;
                double x2 = x*x;
                double y = yy *2./size.y - 1;
                double y2 = yy;
                double t = i *1. / ims.size();
                Vector<6> f = makeVector(1, x, y, x2, x*y, y2);
                double func = f * p.slice<0,6>() * (exp(p[6]*t) + p[8]*exp(p[9]*t)) + p[7];
                ims[i][yy][xx] -= func;

    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    //A sanity check.
    cerr << "The mean should be small compared to std:\n";
    cerr << "mean = " << mean << endl;
    cerr << "std  = " << sqrt(variance) << endl;

    //Scale by the variance.
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
            transform(ims[i].begin(), ims[i].end(), ims[i].begin(), bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 1/ sqrt(variance)));
    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    cerr << "Rescaled:\n";
    cerr << "mean = " << mean << endl;
    cerr << "std  = " << sqrt(variance) << endl;

    return ims;
vector<Image<float> > load_and_preprocess_images ( const vector< string > &  names)

Load all images from disk and do the initial preprocessing.

Currently this is a high pass filter to make the resultimg images zero mean.

The filter is controlled with the preprocess.lpf and preprocess.skip Gvars

See also load_and_preprocess_image()

namesList of filenames to load.
preprocessed images.

Definition at line 172 of file

Referenced by load_and_normalize_images().

    vector<Image<float> > ims;

    //float wide = GV3::get<float>("preprocess.lpf", 0., -1);
    //bool p = GV3::get<bool>("preprocess.skip", 0, -1);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < names.size(); i++)
        Image<float> im = img_load(names[i]);
        if(ims.back().size() != ims[0].size())
            cerr << "Error with image " << names[i] << ":  all images must be the same size!\n";
    return ims;
vector<Image<float> > load_and_normalize_images ( const vector< string > &  files)

Wrapper for load_and_preprocess_images() to allow more flexible behaviour.

filesList of filenames to load.
preprocessed images.

Definition at line 252 of file

References auto_fixed_scaling(), and load_and_preprocess_images().

Referenced by mmain().

    //Load the raw data, and then load the spot parameters.
    vector<Image<float> > ims = load_and_preprocess_images(files);
    double mean, variance;
    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    if(GV3::get<bool>("preprocess.fixed_scaling", 0, FATAL_IF_NOT_DEFINED))
        bool skip = GV3::get<bool>("preprocess.skip");
            cerr << "WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
            cerr << "preprocessing and fixed scaling selected!!!\n";

        double sub, div;
        if(GV3::get<bool>("", 0, FATAL_IF_NOT_DEFINED))
            double frac = GV3::get<double>("", 0, FATAL_IF_NOT_DEFINED);
            tie(sub, div) = auto_fixed_scaling(ims, frac);
            sub = GV3::get<double>("preprocess.fixed_scaling.subtract", 0, FATAL_IF_NOT_DEFINED);
            div = GV3::get<double>("preprocess.fixed_scaling.divide", 0, FATAL_IF_NOT_DEFINED);

        for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
            for(Image<float>::iterator j=ims[i].begin(); j != ims[i].end(); j++)
                *j = (*j - sub)/div;
        //A sanity check.
        cerr << "The mean should be small compared to std:\n";
        cerr << "mean = " << mean << endl;
        cerr << "std  = " << sqrt(variance) << endl;

        //Scale by the variance.
            for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
                transform(ims[i].begin(), ims[i].end(), ims[i].begin(), bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 1/ sqrt(variance)));

    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    //A sanity check.
    cerr << "Rescaled:\n";
    cerr << "mean = " << mean << endl;
    cerr << "std  = " << sqrt(variance) << endl;

    return ims;