ThreeB 1.1
Generic hidden Markov model solver.

The notation follows `A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition', Rabiner, 1989. More...


template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::tr1::tuple< double,
< Btype::NumParameters >
, TooN::Matrix
< Btype::NumParameters > > 
forward_algorithm_hessian (TooN::Matrix< States > A, TooN::Vector< States > pi, const Btype &B, const std::vector< Otype > &O, bool compute_deriv=1, bool compute_hessian=1)
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
double forward_algorithm (TooN::Matrix< States > A, TooN::Vector< States > pi, const Btype &B, const std::vector< Otype > &O)
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::pair< double,
< Btype::NumParameters > > 
forward_algorithm_deriv (TooN::Matrix< States > A, TooN::Vector< States > pi, const Btype &B, const std::vector< Otype > &O)
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::vector< std::tr1::array
< double, States > > 
forward_algorithm_delta (TooN::Matrix< States > A, TooN::Vector< States > pi, const Btype &B, const std::vector< Otype > &O)
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
void forward_algorithm_delta2 (TooN::Matrix< States > A, TooN::Vector< States > pi, const Btype &B, const std::vector< Otype > &O, std::vector< std::tr1::array< double, States > > &delta)
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::pair< std::vector
< std::tr1::array< double,
States > >, std::vector
< std::tr1::array< double,
States > > > 
forward_backward_algorithm (TooN::Matrix< States > A, TooN::Vector< States > pi, const Btype &B, const std::vector< Otype > &O)
template<class A , class Rng >
int select_random_element (const A &v, const double scale, Rng &rng)
template<int N, class Rng >
int sample_unscaled_log (std::tr1::array< double, N > a, Rng &rng)
template<int States, class StateType , class Rng >
std::vector< StateType > backward_sampling (TooN::Matrix< States > A, const std::vector< std::tr1::array< double, States > > &delta, Rng &rng)

Detailed Description

The notation follows `A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition', Rabiner, 1989.

Function Documentation

template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::tr1::tuple<double, TooN::Vector<Btype::NumParameters>, TooN::Matrix<Btype::NumParameters> > forward_algorithm_hessian ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
TooN::Vector< States >  pi,
const Btype &  B,
const std::vector< Otype > &  O,
bool  compute_deriv = 1,
bool  compute_hessian = 1 

The forward algorithm is defined as:

\begin{align} \alpha_1(i) &= \pi_i b_i(O_1) \\ \alpha_t(j) &= b_j(O(t)) \sum_i \alpha_{t-1}(i) a_{ij} \end{align}

And the probability of observing the data is just:

\begin{equation} P(O_1 \cdots O_T|\lambda) = P(O|\lambda) \sum_i \alpha_T(i), \end{equation}

where the state, $\lambda = \{ A, \pi, B \}$.

All multipliers are much less than 1, to $\alpha$ rapidly ends up as zero. Instead, store the logarithm:

\begin{align} \delta_t(i) &= \ln \alpha_t(i) \\ \delta_1(i) &= \ln \pi_i + \ln b_j(O_t) \end{align}

and the recursion is:

\begin{align} \delta_t(j) &= \ln b_j(O_t) + \ln \sum_i \alpha_{t-1}(i) a_{ij} \\ &= \ln b_j(O_t) + \ln \sum_i e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij}} \\ \end{align}

including an arbitrary constant, $Z_t(j)$ gives:

\begin{align} \delta_t(j) &= \ln b_j(O_t) + \ln \sum_i e^{Z_t(j)} e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij} - Z_t(j)} \\ &= \ln b_j(O_t) + Z_t(j) + \ln \sum_i e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij} - Z_t(j)}. \end{align}

In order to prevent a loss of scale on the addition:

\begin{equation} Z_t(j) \overset{\text{def}}{=} \operatorname*{max}_i \delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij}, \end{equation}

so the largest exponent will be exactly 0. The final log probability is, similarly:

\begin{equation} \ln P(O|\lambda) = Z + \ln \sum_i e^{\delta_T(i) - Z}, \end{equation}

Z can take any value, but to keep the numbers within a convenient range:

\begin{equation} Z \overset{\text{def}}{=} \operatorname*{max}_i \delta_T(i). \end{equation}

For computing derivatives, two useful results are:

\begin{align} \PD{}{x} \ln f(x) &= \frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}\\ \PD{}{x} e^{f(x)} &= f'(x) e^{f(x)} \end{align}

There are M parameters of B, denoted $\phi_1 \ldots \phi_M$. The derivatives of P are:

\begin{align} \DD P(O|\lambda) &= \SSum \DD e^{\delta_T(i)} \\ &= \SSum e^{\delta_T(i)} \DD \delta_T(i)\\ \end{align}

Taking derivatives of $ \ln P$ and rearranging to get numerically more convenient results gives:

\begin{align} \DD \ln P(O|\lambda) & = \frac{\DD P(O|\lambda)}{P(O|\lambda)} \\ & = \frac{\SSum e^{\delta_T(i)} \DD \delta_T(i)}{P(O|\lambda)}\\ & = \SSum e^{\delta_T(i) - \ln P(O|\lambda)} \DD \delta_T(i) \end{align}

The derivarives of $\delta$ are:

\begin{align} \gdef\dtj{\delta_T(j)} \PD{\dtj}{\en} &= \DD \ln \left[ b_j(O_t) \SSum e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij}} \right] \\ &= \DD \left[ \ln b_j(O_t) \right] + \frac{\SSum \DD e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij}}}{\SSum e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij}}}\\ \underset{\text{\tt diff\_delta[t][j]}}{\underbrace{\PD{\dtj}{\en}}} &= \underset{\text{\tt B.diff\_log(j, O[t])}}{\underbrace{\DD \left[ \ln b_j(O_t) \right]}} + \frac{\overset{\text{\tt sum\_top}}{\overbrace{\SSum e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij} - Z_t(j)} \DD \delta_{t-1}(i)}} }{\underset{\text{\tt sum}}{\underbrace{\SSum e^{\delta_{t-1}(i) + \ln a_{ij} -Z_t(j)}}}}, \end{align}

with $Z_t(j)$ as defined in forward_algorithm.

For computing second derivatives, with $\Grad$ yielding column vectors, two useful results are:

\begin{align} \Hess \ln f(\Vec{x}) & = \frac{\Hess f(\Vec{x})}{f(\Vec{x})} - \Grad f(\Vec{x}) \Grad f(\Vec{x})\Trn \\ \Hess e^f(\Vec{x}) & = e^{f(\Vec{x})}(\Grad f(\Vec{x}) \Grad f(\Vec{x})\Trn + \Hess f(\Vec{x})), \end{align}


\begin{equation} \Hess \ln P(O|\lambda) = \frac{\Hess f(\Vec{x})}{P(O|\lambda)} - \Grad P(O|\lambda) \Grad P(O|\lambda)\Trn, \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \Hess P(O|\lambda) = \sum_i e^{\delta_t(i) - \ln P(O|\lambda)}\left[ \Grad\delta_t \Grad\delta_t\Trn + \Hess \delta_t\right]. \end{equation}

Define $s_t(j)$ as:

\begin{equation} s_t(j) = \sum_i e^{\delta_{t-1}(j) + \ln a_{ij}} \end{equation}

so that:

\begin{equation} \delta_t(j) = \ln b_j(O_t) + \ln s_t(j). \end{equation}

The derivatives and Hessian recursion are therefore:

\begin{align} \Grad \delta_t(j) &= \Grad\ln b_j(O_t) + \frac{\Grad s_t(j)}{s_t(j)} \\ \Hess \delta_t(j) &= \Hess\ln b_j(O_t) + \frac{\Hess s_t(j)}{s_t(j)} - \frac{\Grad s_t(j)}{s_t(j)}\frac{\Grad s_t(j)}{s_t(j)}\Trn.\\ &= \underset{\text{\tt B.hess\_log(j, O[t])}}{\underbrace{\Hess\ln b_j(O_t)}} + \frac{ \overset{\text{\tt sum\_top2}}{ \overbrace{ \sum_i e^{\delta_{t-1}(j) + \ln a_{ij} - Z_t(j)}\left[\Hess\delta_{t-1}(i) + \Grad\delta_{t-1}(i)\Grad\delta_{t-1}(i)\Trn\right]}} }{\text{\tt sum}} - \frac{\text{\tt sum\_top sum\_top}\Trn}{\text{\tt sum}^2} \end{align}

AA: State transition probabilities.
pi$\pi$: initial state probabilities.
OO or I: the observed data (ie the images).
B$B$: A function object giving the (log) probability of an observation given a state, and derivatives with respect to the parameters.
compute_derivWhether to compute the derivative, or return zero.
compute_hessianWhether to compute the Hessian, or return zero. This implies compute_deriv.
the log probability of observing all the data, and the derivatives of the log probability with respect to the parameters, and the Hessian.

Definition at line 134 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References ln().

Referenced by forward_algorithm_deriv(), sampled_background_spot_hessian2(), and sampled_background_spot_hessian_FAKE().

    using namespace TooN;
    using namespace std;
    using namespace std::tr1;

    if(compute_hessian == 1)

    static const int M = Btype::NumParameters;
    int states = pi.size();
    //delta[j][i] = delta_t(i)
    vector<array<double, States> > delta(O.size());

    //diff_delta[t][j][n] = d/de_n delta_t(j)
    vector<array<Vector<M>,States > > diff_delta(O.size());
    //hess_delta[t][j][m][n] = d2/de_n de_m delta_t(j)
    vector<array<Matrix<M>,States > > hess_delta(O.size());
    //Initialization: Eqn 19, P 262
    //Set initial partial log probabilities:
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        delta[0][i] = ln(pi[i]) + B.log(i, O[0]);
            diff_delta[0][i] = B.diff_log(i, O[0]);

            hess_delta[0][i] = B.hess_log(i, O[0]);

    //Perform the recursion: Eqn 20, P262
    //Note, use T and T-1. Rather than  T+1 and T.
    for(unsigned int t=1; t < O.size(); t++)
        for(int j=0; j < states; j++)
            double Ztj = -HUGE_VAL; //This is Z_t(j)
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                Ztj = max(Ztj, delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]));

            double sum=0;
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                sum += exp(delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]) - Ztj);

            delta[t][j] = B.log(j, O[t]) + Ztj + ln(sum);

                Vector<M> sum_top = Zeros;
                for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                    sum_top += diff_delta[t-1][i] * exp(delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]) - Ztj);

                diff_delta[t][j] = B.diff_log(j, O[t]) +  (sum_top) / sum;
                    Matrix<M> sum_top2 = Zeros;
                    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                        sum_top2 += exp(delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]) - Ztj) * ( hess_delta[t-1][i] + diff_delta[t-1][i].as_col() * diff_delta[t-1][i].as_row());
                    hess_delta[t][j] = B.hess_log(j, O[t]) + sum_top2 / sum - sum_top.as_col() * sum_top.as_row() / (sum*sum);

    //Compute the log prob using normalization
    double Z = -HUGE_VAL;
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        Z = max(Z, delta.back()[i]);

    double sum =0;
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        sum += exp(delta.back()[i] - Z);

    double log_prob = Z  + ln(sum);

    //Compute the differential of the log
    Vector<M> diff_log = Zeros;
    //Compute the differential of the log using normalization
    //The convenient normalizer is ln P(O|lambda) which makes the bottom 1.
    for(int i=0; compute_deriv && i < states; i++)
        diff_log += exp(delta.back()[i] - log_prob)*diff_delta.back()[i];

    Matrix<M> hess_log = Zeros;
    //Compute the hessian of the log using normalization
    //The convenient normalizer is ln P(O|lambda) which makes the bottom 1.
    for(int i=0; compute_hessian && i < states; i++)
        hess_log += exp(delta.back()[i] - log_prob) * (hess_delta.back()[i] + diff_delta.back()[i].as_col() * diff_delta.back()[i].as_row());

    hess_log -= diff_log.as_col() * diff_log.as_row();

    //Compute the differential of the Hessian
    return  make_tuple(log_prob, diff_log, hess_log);
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
double forward_algorithm ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
TooN::Vector< States >  pi,
const Btype &  B,
const std::vector< Otype > &  O 

Run the forward algorithm and return the log probability.

AA: State transition probabilities.
pi$\pi$: initial state probabilities.
OO or I: the observed data (ie the images).
B$B$: A function object giving the (log) probability of an observation given a state.
the log probability of observing all the data.

Definition at line 244 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References ln().

    using namespace TooN;
    using namespace std;
    using namespace std::tr1;

    int states = pi.size();
    //delta[j][i] = delta_t(i)
    vector<array<double, States> > delta(O.size());

    //Initialization: Eqn 19, P 262
    //Set initial partial log probabilities:
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        delta[0][i] = ln(pi[i]) + B.log(i, O[0]);

    //Perform the recursion: Eqn 20, P262
    //Note, use T and T-1. Rather than  T+1 and T.
    for(unsigned int t=1; t < O.size(); t++)
        for(int j=0; j < states; j++)
            double Ztj = -HUGE_VAL; //This is Z_t(j)
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                Ztj = max(Ztj, delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]));

            double sum=0;
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                sum += exp(delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]) - Ztj);

            delta[t][j] = B.log(j, O[t]) + Ztj + ln(sum);

    //Compute the log prob using normalization
    double Z = -HUGE_VAL;
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        Z = max(Z, delta.back()[i]);

    double sum =0;
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        sum += exp(delta.back()[i] - Z);

    double log_prob = Z  + ln(sum);

    return  log_prob;
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::pair<double, TooN::Vector<Btype::NumParameters> > forward_algorithm_deriv ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
TooN::Vector< States >  pi,
const Btype &  B,
const std::vector< Otype > &  O 

Run the forward algorithm and return the log probability and its derivatives.

AA: State transition probabilities.
pi$\pi$: initial state probabilities.
OO or I: the observed data (ie the images).
B$B$: A function object giving the (log) probability of an observation given a state, and derivatives with respect to the parameters.
the log probability of observing all the data.

Definition at line 302 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References forward_algorithm_hessian().

Referenced by SpotNegProbabilityDiffWithSampledBackground::operator()().

    using namespace std::tr1;
    double p;
    TooN::Vector<Btype::NumParameters> v;
    tie(p,v, ignore) = forward_algorithm_hessian(A, pi, B, O, 1, 0);
    return make_pair(p,v);
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::vector<std::tr1::array<double, States> > forward_algorithm_delta ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
TooN::Vector< States >  pi,
const Btype &  B,
const std::vector< Otype > &  O 

Run the forward algorithm and return the log partials (delta)

AA: State transition probabilities.
pi$\pi$: initial state probabilities.
OO or I: the observed data (ie the images).
B$B$: A function object giving the (log) probability of an observation given a state, and derivatives with respect to the parameters.
the log probability of observing all the data.

Definition at line 323 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References ln().

Referenced by forward_backward_algorithm(), SampledMultispot::GibbsSampler::next(), and sampled_background_spot_hessian_ffbs().

    using namespace TooN;
    using namespace std;
    using namespace std::tr1;

    int states = pi.size();
    //delta[j][i] = delta_t(i)
    vector<array<double, States> > delta(O.size());

    //Initialization: Eqn 19, P 262
    //Set initial partial log probabilities:
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        delta[0][i] = ln(pi[i]) + B.log(i, O[0]);

    //Forward pass...
    //Perform the recursion: Eqn 20, P262
    //Note, use T and T-1. Rather than  T+1 and T.
    for(unsigned int t=1; t < O.size(); t++)
        for(int j=0; j < states; j++)
            double Ztj = -HUGE_VAL; //This is Z_t(j)
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                Ztj = max(Ztj, delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]));

            double sum=0;
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                sum += exp(delta[t-1][i] + ln(A[i][j]) - Ztj);

            delta[t][j] = B.log(j, O[t]) + Ztj + ln(sum);

    return delta;
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
void forward_algorithm_delta2 ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
TooN::Vector< States >  pi,
const Btype &  B,
const std::vector< Otype > &  O,
std::vector< std::tr1::array< double, States > > &  delta 

Run the forward algorithm and return the log partials (delta)

AA: State transition probabilities.
pi$\pi$: initial state probabilities.
OO or I: the observed data (ie the images).
B$B$: A function object giving the (log) probability of an observation given a state, and derivatives with respect to the parameters.
deltathe $\delta$ values

Definition at line 371 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References ln().

    using namespace TooN;
    using namespace std;
    using namespace std::tr1;

    int states = pi.size();
    //delta[j][i] = delta_t(i)

    //Initialization: Eqn 19, P 262
    //Set initial partial log probabilities:
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        delta[0][i] = ln(pi[i]) + B.log(i, O[0]);

    Matrix<States> lA;
    for(int r=0; r < States; r++)
        for(int c=0; c < States; c++)
            lA[r][c] = ln(A[r][c]);

    //Forward pass...
    //Perform the recursion: Eqn 20, P262
    //Note, use T and T-1. Rather than  T+1 and T.
    for(unsigned int t=1; t < O.size(); t++)
        for(int j=0; j < states; j++)
            double Ztj = -HUGE_VAL; //This is Z_t(j)
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                Ztj = max(Ztj, delta[t-1][i] + lA[i][j]);

            double sum=0;
            for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
                sum += exp(delta[t-1][i] + lA[i][j] - Ztj);

            delta[t][j] = B.log(j, O[t]) + Ztj + ln(sum);
template<int States, class Btype , class Otype >
std::pair<std::vector<std::tr1::array<double, States> >, std::vector<std::tr1::array<double, States> > > forward_backward_algorithm ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
TooN::Vector< States >  pi,
const Btype &  B,
const std::vector< Otype > &  O 

Run the forward-backwards algorithm and return the log partials (delta and epsilon).

AA: State transition probabilities.
pi$\pi$: initial state probabilities.
OO or I: the observed data (ie the images).
B$B$: A function object giving the (log) probability of an observation given a state, and derivatives with respect to the parameters.
the log probability of observing all the data.

Backward pass Epsilon is log beta

Definition at line 424 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References forward_algorithm_delta(), and ln().

    using namespace TooN;
    using namespace std;
    using namespace std::tr1;

    int states = pi.size();
    //delta[j][i] = delta_t(i)
    vector<array<double, States> > delta = forward_algorithm_delta(A, pi, B, O);

    ///Backward pass
    ///Epsilon is log beta
    vector<array<double, States> > epsilon(O.size());

    //Initialize beta to 1, ie epsilon to 0
    for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
        epsilon[O.size()-1][i] = 0;

    //Perform the backwards recursion
    for(int t=O.size()-2; t >= 0; t--)
        for(int i=0; i < states; i++)
            //Find a normalizing constant
            double Z = -HUGE_VAL;
            for(int j=0; j < states; j++)
                Z = max(Z, ln(A[i][j]) + B.log(j, O[t+1]) + epsilon[t+1][j]);
            double sum=0;
            for(int j= 0; j < states; j++)
                sum += exp(ln(A[i][j]) + B.log(j, O[t+1]) + epsilon[t+1][j] - Z);

            epsilon[t][i] = ln(sum) + Z;
    return make_pair(delta, epsilon);
template<class A , class Rng >
int select_random_element ( const A &  v,
const double  scale,
Rng &  rng 

Select an element from the container v, assuming that v is a probability distribution over elements up to some scale.

vUscaled probability distribution
scaleScale of v
rngRandom number generator to use

Definition at line 479 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References scale().

Referenced by sample_unscaled_log().

    double total=0, choice = rng()*scale;

    for(int i=0; i < (int)v.size(); i++)
        total += v[i];  
        if(choice <= total)
            return i;
    return v.size()-1;
template<int N, class Rng >
int sample_unscaled_log ( std::tr1::array< double, N >  a,
Rng &  rng 

Select an element from the a, assuming that a stores unscaled log probabilities of the elements.

aUscaled probability distribution, stored as logarithms.
rngRandom number generator to use

Definition at line 497 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References select_random_element().

    double hi = *max_element(a.begin(), a.end());
    double sum=0;

    for(unsigned int i=0; i < a.size(); i++)
        a[i] = exp(a[i] - hi);
        sum += a[i];

    return select_random_element(a, sum, rng);
template<int States, class StateType , class Rng >
std::vector<StateType> backward_sampling ( TooN::Matrix< States >  A,
const std::vector< std::tr1::array< double, States > > &  delta,
Rng &  rng 

An implementation of the backwards sampling part of the forwards filtering/backwards sampling algorithm.

See `Monte Carlo smoothing for non-linear time series', Godsill and Doucet, JASA 2004

AHMM transition matrix.
deltaForward partial probabilities stored as logarithms.
rngRandom number generator to use
state at each time step.

Definition at line 519 of file forward_algorithm.h.

References ln().

    //Compute the elementwise log of A
    for(int r=0; r < A.num_rows(); r++)
        for(int c=0; c < A.num_cols(); c++)
            A[r][c] = ln(A[r][c]);

    std::vector<StateType> samples(delta.size());
    samples.back() = sample_unscaled_log<States, Rng>(delta.back(), rng);
    //A is A[t][t+1]

    for(int i=delta.size()-2; i >= 0; i--)
        std::tr1::array<double, States> reverse_probabilities = delta[i];

        for(int j=0; j < States; j++)
            reverse_probabilities[j] += A[j][samples[i+1]];

        samples[i] = sample_unscaled_log<States, Rng>(reverse_probabilities, rng);

    return samples;